8 Things you do and do not do every day

What you do today is the future?

Of course, your daily habits or actions you can set your greatest assets if you exercise on a daily basis to strictly. As well as many material possessions are measuring is not different from others or a particular thing, but those habits, think and act works Unlike most humans, that's the way they have in the first place. However, following your routine qualities do and do not do something that you should know:

1. They always keep their goals consistently

The focus on the goals will make the difference between survival and success. Many had bagged the business but may not have the vision or strategy and target anything. If you kept a clear purpose or goal in every day that your life will change. Many wealthy people are not only targeted annual and monthly basis, but 67% of them recorded those goals in writing. People may think that the goal of comprehensive wealthy, but you say that God is not a goal. One of two things: whether it will be successful and there are actions you can take to achieve it or not.

2. They know what to do today

You are the wealth, 81% said they knew what they had to do regularly, compared to those who are poor is only 19% of whom know, two-thirds of the wealthiest ended their daily had 70%.

3. They do not watch TV

Possessions or an hour to watch television less than an hour a day.

However, only 23% of those who watch TV more than an hour a day, compared to the poor is as much as 77%. "Your general difference is how they use their time wisely and efficiently." The wealthy do not avoid watching TV because they have good discipline or commitment, but they used every day, such as reading.

4. Read the book, but not

They like to read, but not a separate book about self-development. There are readers who are not satisfied on how to improve and develop themselves. In fact, 88% of wealthy read self-development to improve for at least 30 minutes every day, compared to the poor is only 2%.

5. Lazy not to work

They do more work is required to do. It's remarkable, while 86% of people have (compared to 43% of the poor) work an average of 50 hours or more during a week, and only 6% of people there who are not satisfied with jobs.

6. Do not wait for game

Only 6% of all the games, compared to 77% of the poor. For those who are wealthy is not related to the game story, but do not play the lottery or casino.

7. Health Monitoring

Wealthy people to value their health. 57% of them are counting calories to eat each day, compared to 5% of the poor. The wealthiest seniors never retire, and they spent more than 45 years to exercise and monitor food every day because to make their business run smoothly forward even one day without them.

8. Up early

Morning bird seems to get more worms. Most of these individuals are active at 6 or 7 am, while other people are awake or are still eating breakfast.


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