8 Tips to cultivate the habit of reading successfully

Many people do not give or spend much time reading books. They think it's boring and date. But reading is not just a professional major. It is a way to create enthusiasm to the story that we know increase the creativity and inspiration that enhances the experience of our lives. To develop their own reading habits takes time and attention. So should create the habit of reading to yourself the following 8 ways:

# 1. Improve reading skills

To want the habit of reading a book, you have to start reading the fine first. For example:

• Read and find ideas in each paragraph. For your convenience, you can have a pencil to mark these important ideas.

• Look for words that we do not know. You can be underlined or written those words. When you read it, you will understand the context of the word and its usage in different phrases.

• When you encounter any difficulty or slogans, especially in literature or history or social, you can research to add to the knowledge of one another.

• Training Take your time to read the story. Do not be discouraged when they read slowly, especially beginners.

# 2. Select books

Read what you want to read. Do not try to read a book that you think you should read the book because it is famous, or because you think it will make you smarter. Think about your personal preferences and interests. The reading will be more interesting and more satisfied when we read about what we like.

# 3. list

You should have a list of all the books that you feel great and want to read. You can save it in your account, or wherever. You must be logged in publications that interesting either from the Internet or heard from anyone. It makes it easy to select the next when finished reading any book.

# 4. Timer

You should set aside 2 to 3 times a day for at least 5 to 10 minutes. You can routinely read during breakfast or lunch (and dinner alone). That's starting to turn into a daily routine perfectly.

# 5. Constantly

Always take with you no matter wherever you go. You can take it in the car, take it to the office, or take the time to meet someone. However, knowing that you will not read it yet (like going to the movies), but you could be waiting for them, so you can read books.

# 6. Find a quiet place

You can find a spot in your home where you can sit and read books very comfortable if you do not like to have anything interfere. There should be no TV or computer near, no sound, music or noise from a family member.

# 7. Read to her

If you have children, you need to read a good book, listen to them. The habit of reading books to your child is the best way to ensure that they would like to read the same. When they grow up, can help them succeed in life, through knowledge or other part of the book. Meanwhile, you can develop the habit of reading books yourself and your children.

# 8. Buy a book of water (used) or a library book

The book does not cost much more. You can buy the book at a book store water (books) or the books that readers already donated to receive special discounts on other books. Overall, cost only $ 2 or 3, and approximately 10 books to read. If you want to spend less than you can borrow books at the library.


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